About US

Pool Reports delivers simplicity & reliability to anyone that owns or is wishing to purchase a property with a pool.

Pool Reports inspectors will fully inform you of any existing pool issues or non compliance, as well as offer information in relation to suggested repairs and even approximate costs, in some instances.

Our inspectors have been focused within this industry for many years and fully understand the current strict pool regulations, they are fully insured, well experienced and will ensure that the information & service you receive is second to none. You are able to contact them directly after the inspection if you have any points of concern that you wish to discuss further.

With pool ownership on the increase, there are a large number of new pool owners that are not aware of the repair costs involved, if a fence, pump, chlorinator, lining, etc needs to be repaired.

There is no better way to achieve Peace Of Mind information than to use this essential service, as you do with a building and pest inspection.